This can be handy for creating your own industrial scale, process control, or simple presence detection. The HX711 Weighing Sensor uses a two-wire interface (Clock and Data) for communication. Any microcontroller’s GPIO pins should work and numerous libraries have been written making it easy to read data from the HX711.
Load cells use a four-wire Wheatstone bridge to connect to the HX711. These are commonly colored RED, BLK, WHT, GRN, and YLW.
Analog Sides:
E+: Excitation positive.
E-: Excitation negative.
A-: Channel A Negative Input.
A+: Channel A positive Input.
B-: Channel B Negative Input.
B+: Channel B positive Input.
Digital Sides:
GND: 0V / Ground Power Connection.
DT: Data IO Connection.
SCK: Serial Clock Input.
VCC: Power Input.
Also check The 10kg load cell with an HX711 weight sensor is a device that can be used to measure weight. It is made up of a load cell, which is a sensor that converts force into an electrical signal, and an HX711 weight sensor, which amplifies and converts the load cell's output into a digital signal that can be read by a microcontroller.